Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Toronto, Mumbai

Stealing Nasreen

Stealing Nasreen

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: A novel about the lives of three very different people, all of whom belong to the same small religious community.

  • ISBN: 978-0978223304
  • Genre: Fiction

What you need to know before your trail

Nasreen Bastawala, an Indo-Canadian lesbian and burnt-out psychologist, becomes enmeshed in the lives of Shaffiq and Salma Paperwala, new immigrants from Mumbai. While working in the same Toronto hospital as Nasreen, Shaffiq develops a persistent and confusing fascination with Nasreen, causing him to bring home and hide things he finds in her office. Salma, his wife, discovers some of these hidden treasures and suspects that something is amiss. Unbeknownst to Shaffiq, Nasreen begins attending weekly Gujarati classes taught by Salma, who finds herself inexplicably attracted to her student. This attraction harkens back memories and regrets Salma holds about a lesbian affair that ended badly years ago. Without knowing that it is happening, Nasreen becomes the centre of Shaffiq and Salma’s lives. Each keeps a secret about Nasreen, and in so doing risks their marriage, while Nasreen struggles to come to terms with her mother’s death, her recent break-up, and her new relationship with her father. An impulsive kiss between Salma and Nasreen sets off a surprising course of events.



Travel Guide

Travel to Toronto with Nasreen

The city of Toronto acts as a background in this novel and is there to show how Shaffiq and Salma have moved from their home in India to Toronto, Canada and all the cultural problems that go with them.

Shaffiq and his wife Salma have only been in Canada for two years, immigrating after Shaffiq was passed over several promotions because he was Muslim.

The city is evoked to various degrees but it’s the contrast between India and Canada that really sets the scene.

BookTrail Boarding Pass: Stealing Nasreen

Destination/location: Toronto, Mumbai Author/guide:  Farzana Doctor  Departure Time: 2000s

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