Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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  • Location: Canada (Fictional Blackmore)

Still Mine

Still Mine

Why a Booktrail?

2000s : When you’re on the run, where do you run to?

  • ISBN: 978-1501151231
  • Genre: Fiction, Mystery, Suspense

What you need to know before your trail

Clare is on the run from many things: her past, her husband, and from her own secrets.

She runs until there is literally no where else to go for she ends up in the small town of Blackmore – a remote mining town. But when she starts asking about Shayna Fowles, the local girl who disappeared, everyone wants to know who Clare really is and what she’s hiding. What is her link to the missing girl for example?

Moreover, Blackmore is hiding things of its own.

Travel Guide

Welcome to Blackmore population 2500

Blackmore is fictional. And just as well when you read about it:

“Clare climbs one last hairpin turn before sings of life pepper the roadside, peeling billboards first than a scattering of ramshackle buildings.”

“She passes a sign hammered right into rock: Welcome to Blackmore: Population 2500, the word zero spray-painted across it in black”

“The road flattens out and Clare reaches the row of storefronts that marks the town proper. Most of them are shuttered with plywood, the main strip devoid of cars and people.”

The town is almost a ghost town. It used to be a mining town but the work has gone as have many of the people. What is left is Blackmore with its state of dilapidated buildings and roads. There is of course tragedy and death in the air following the terrible accident which saw the mine close.

The atmosphere is dark, cold, claustrophobic and down right creepy. If you lived here , you’d have to barricade the windows let alone just lock them.  Once outside the people aren’t that much better, as there are some crazy and strange characters living or existing in Blackmore. Just what is the difference between reality and  troubled delusions? If you can see through the fog and intrigue you might just see something coming towards you. But most of what you encounter here, you won’t see coming. You’ll not forget it either.

Booktrailer Review

Susan: @thebooktrailer

An interesting premise this one – a woman running from her own life and hoping to find someone missing from theirs. the blind leading the blind or it takes one to know one?

Blackmore is not the place you would want to visit for real  and  someone missing. The whole place is missing a few things of its own such as warmth and a sense of community. But then that is what makes Blackmore a chillingly perfect crime fiction setting. The setting represents the mood and the mood reflects the setting.It’s always the quite places, the quiet people who have the most to hide isn’t it? Try visiting Blackmore!

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:  Still Mine

Author/Guide: Amy Stuart Destination: Canada  Departure Time: 2000s

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