Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Uganda, Greece

A Storm Blew In from Paradise

A Storm Blew In from Paradise

Why a Booktrail?

How can you catch up when you’re chasing the past?

  • ISBN: 978-9462380035
  • Genre: Fiction

What you need to know before your trail

The story of Anyruru and his father, P, a Ugandan pilot who deserted. Both men grew up without their fathers, an emotional void that had a serious impact on their lives. P makes a promising start as a fighter-pilot, but no matter what he does or where he goes, he is unable to escape his fate. He finds himself a refugee, on the run like a hunted animal – while his only dream is to fly. Anyuru, growing up as a first-generation Swede, can’t seem to leave the past behind, either

Travel Guide


The author was born in Sweden to a Swedish mother and a father from the Ugandan Langi people. This book has become a best seller in Sweden given his background and heritage.


Uganda had recently become independent from British Rule, and they  had started to build up the nation’s air force by buying MiG-21s from Israel. A First generation of Uganda pilots has been trained to fly these by Israeli security advisors, but while the Israelis continued to train Ugandan pilots, they began to send small groups of young men to the Hellenic Air Force Academy in Greece
This academy in Dhekalia outside of Athens apparent,y produced fighter pilots for a number of African countries since the early 60s.


Born into a rural family in East Africa, a region broken by civil war that scar and determine his life, orphaned P  trains as a fighter pilot in Greece. His story is related in flashbacks as P is interrogated by Tanzanian torturers, exploiting P’s political or tribal connections with Presidents Obote, Okella, and Museveni.


I don’t want to escape history but life. I want the wind to have brought us out of nowhere and I wish we were on our way to another nowhere…That the homeland is a lie. That our homeland is… merely hours, seconds, instants, that there is no origin.”

Booktrail Boarding Pass:  A Storm Blew In From Paradise

Destination : Uganda, Greece  Author/Guide: Johannes Anyuru

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