Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Zug Canton, Ägeri, Swiss alps

Strangers on a Bridge

Strangers on a Bridge

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Would you save a stranger on a bridge

  • ISBN: 978-0008310042
  • Genre: Fiction

What you need to know before your trail

When Alice Reed goes on her regular morning jog in the peaceful Swiss Alps, she doesn’t expect to save a man from suicide. But she does. And it is her first mistake.

Adamant they have an instant connection, Manfred’s charming exterior grows darker and his obsession with Alice grows stronger.

In a country far from home, where the police don’t believe her, the locals don’t trust her and even her husband questions the truth about Manfred, Alice has nowhere to turn.

To what lengths will Alice go to protect herself and her family?

Travel Guide


The novel was influenced by the author’s  running in the countryside surrounding the Lorzentobelbrucke the bridge in the story situated in central Switzerland.

The author also gives thanks to the spectacular landscape of the Aegeri valley in the Swiss Canton of Zug “which continues to inspire me with the desire to write”

Aaegerisee – the lake – is close to their home where she runs. The area and scenery sound idyllic:

“I chose a woodland track from the lowlands near the town of Baar, and planned to run up through the Lorze Gorge beside the river, continuing along the valley to home”

Read #Authorsonlocation with Louise Mangos here

Trail Gallery

Booktrail Boarding Pass: Strangers on a Bridge

Destination : Zug, Switzerland Author/Guide: Louise Mangos  Departure Time: 2000s

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