Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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starry skies to read under
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  • Location: Glasgow

Tag, You’re Dead

Tag, You’re Dead

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Glasgow so Noir you need a torch when reading this

  • ISBN: 978-1910192726
  • Genre: Crime

What you need to know before your trail

Maverick investigator Dominic Queste is on the trail of missing butcher Sam Price. But he soon uncovers links to a killer with a taste for games. What began as a simple favour for his girlfriend quickly descends into a battle for survival against an enemy who has no qualms about turning victims into prime cuts. Amidst a twisted game of cat and mouse, suspicious coppers, vicious crooks and a seemingly random burglary, Queste has to keep his wits about him. Or he might just find himself on the butcher s block.

Travel Guide


This is a quest – Dominic Queste of Glasgow in all its gritty glory – From abandoned tenement in the centre of the city, where the streets are grim and the sky a dark shade of grey, to a cottage on the outskirts, removed from such grim but saddled with a grim remoteness of its own. There are bars and restaurants in this city where a cloud of smoke threatens to hide even more dark secrets.

The only light in this visit to Glasgow are the occasional flickers of cinematic light when Queste peppers his narration with film references, as does the anonymous killer. Imagine sitting in a dark and dingy movie theatre which has seen better days – you can barely see the screen through the smokey fog, and the depiction of Glasgow is sharp and quick, flickers of a time gone by and the incessant burring of the generator nearby and you have an idea of the Glasgow within Tag You’re Dead.

Booktrail Boarding Pass: Tag – You’re Dead

Author/Guide: Douglas Skelton  Destination: Glasgow Departure Time: 2000s

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