Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Arizona, Grand Canyon

The Anomaly

The Anomaly

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: They sought the truth. They found a nightmare.

  • ISBN: 978-1785763984
  • Genre: Adventure, Horror, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

A TV crew arrive at the Grand Canyon led by Nolan Moore, amateur archaeologist and host of The Anomaly Files. Following the trail of a decades-old conspiracy, the team seek proof of a cave within the canyon, hidden from public record and filled with ancient treasures.

At first, it seems that, once again, the crew will return to LA empty-handed. But then their luck turns. They find a cave and artefacts beyond their wildest imagination. But the team’s elation is short-lived as they become trapped within the cavern’s dark passages with little possibility of escape.

Then events take an even more terrifying turn.

Travel Guide

Grand Canyon

This is a search for a cavern – Kincaird’s cavern (fictional) is the elusive destination for a group of climbers in this story

It’s legendary amongst climbers and explorers. Everyone wants to find this place yet no one has. The allure of the legend, as well as the thrill of actually finding it and basking in the honour and fame it would bring, attracts people from far and wide ,hoping the discovers will be them….

It’s a unique. silent place: “In a silence this profound you felt differently”…

Everyone remained silent, even Ken. This place did that to you. It was very heavy. Very quiet. In the outside worlds, real or virtual, there’s such a clamor that you feel you have to make a sound. To establish yourself as part of the crowd, make sure that you are added to the reckoning, to stick your hand and claim the attention that proves you’re alive.

The landscape and setting are key of course to the story and are very much the main characters in the book. This world is not one many have explored.

There’s some precedent for NAtive American tribes living in the cliffs. The Anasazi once lived in an area known as the “Four Corners’ where Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Arizona meet. But they were constructed into previously existing overhangs, in large, open cave mouth. they didn’t involved forging tunnels into sold rock.

Booktrailer Review

Susan: @thebooktrailer

I’ve trekked in the Grand Canyon  myself so this was an added thrill, but even if you’ve never been, this book takes you there and fully immerses you in the sandy landscape. It’s all  a bit crazy but it’s a fun adventure you’ll never recreated in real life for many reasons!

The author evokes the sandy rocks, the rugged cliff edges, the dark dankness of the cavern, the loose steps from one chamber to another. What an adventure. My heart was in my mouth as the sense of foreboding was loud and clear. The group also kept their torches off so there was little light – all these details helped enormously as your mind’s eye draws the scene before you.

It’s a  thriller with some brilliant characters which captures the thrills and worries of a trek, a party who has to work together when tragedy strikes. You’re very aware that “In the Grand Canyon no one can hear you scream”. Ooh I feel the chills on the back of my neck even writing this review.

There were one or two moments when I almost worried the book was going down a very strange path indeed with a mention of a creature scratching in the darkness and what happens next…but the frisson of the original adventure kept me reading. There are some strange sections and sequences though…

All in all, a fun adventure with a serious side and surreal, quirky moments. The thrill of finding a hidden cavern won me over but I wish there had been more of this than the surreal parts.

A fun adventure though!

Booktrail Boarding Pass:  The Anomaly

Destination : Arizona, Grand Canyon  Author/Guide: Michael Rutger  Departure Time: 2000s

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