Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: San Sebastian, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

The Assassin’s Mark

The Assassin’s Mark

Why a Booktrail?

1938. A bus tour guide in war torn Spain

  • ISBN: 978-1781321003
  • Genre: Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

September 1938. Spain’s Civil War has been raging for two years, the outcome still in the balance. But rebel General Franco is so confident of winning that he has opened up battlefield tourism along the country’s north coast. Jack Telford, a left-wing reporter, finds himself with an eccentric group of touristson one of the War Route’s yellow Chrysler buses. Driven by his passion for peace, Telford attempts to uncover the hidden truths beneath the conflict. But Jack must contend first with his own gullibility, the tragic death of a fellow passenger, capture by Republican guerrilleros, a final showdown at Spain’s most holy shrine and the possibility that he has been badly betrayed. Betrayed and in serious danger.

Travel Guide

Map in the book

Map in the book

Spanish Civil War

Franco, decided to extend an invitation to the world to come and visit the battlefield sites of the Basque country in an attempt to answer and fight back against the reports in the international media about Nationalist atrocities.

The map here is taken from the book and is similar to a leaflet produced by the Spanish tourist board in 1938.

Booktrail Boarding Pass:  The Assassin’s Mark

Destination/location: San Sebastian, Santiago de Compostela, Spain   Author/Guide: David Ebsworth   Departure Time: 1930s

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