Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Norway, Bergen, Oslo

The Consorts of Death

The Consorts of Death

Why a Booktrail?

1995: Ever had a phonecall that took you back 25 years?

  • ISBN: 978-1906413385
  • Translator: Don Bartlett
  • Genre: Crime

What you need to know before your trail

Veum is in his office when a telephone call takes him back to a time he thought was well in the past. 25 years to be precise when a small boy was separated from his mother under the most tragic of circumstances. This boy is now back on Veum’s radar. He’s surfaced in connection with a few murder cases and he seems hell bent in getting revenge on those he blames for ruling his life. His target? The former child protection officer who is now a detective  – the one and only Varg Veum.

The past comes back to haunt all those connected to the case now.

Travel Guide

Staalesen’s Bergen and Oslo are unfamiliar to tourists who walk down their pretty streets and don’t see the potential for crime fiction all around. The detective whose name means Wolf of all things is not the hunter this time but the hunted.

Bergen is now where he lives and works but in his previous career he knew the places where children were put into foster homes and taken into social services and this helpless Bergen is the city he sees now.


The case may centre on Bergen but Oslo also comes into play with the legal eagles from here getting involved as well as Varg playing detective there. Even when he visits a place, his descriptions prove that he could never work for the tourist board:

We hovered over Oslo in a slow glide , the Royal Palace on our right with Karl Johans gate like a filthy grey carpet edged in green rollout out from the palace

Naustdal, Indrebro and other small towns are mixed in with the big players as this boy is said to be getting revenge on those who wronged him no matter where out in Norway they are now living

A trail you will be pleased only exists on paper.

Streetview Maps

B) Bergen- “Fjellveien was Bergen’s number one street for promenading"
D) Bergen- Wergelandsasen

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:  The Consorts of Death

Destination:  Bergen, Norway and Oslo    Departure Time: 1995


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