Why a Booktrail?
2000s: Sisters separated by countries remain connected through dreams about water
2000s: Sisters separated by countries remain connected through dreams about water
Twin sisters Hassana and Husseina’s home is in ruins after a brutal raid. But this is not the end but the beginning of their story, one that will take them to unfamiliar cities and cultures, where they will forge new families, ward off dangers and truly begin to know themselves.
As the twins pursue separate paths in Brazil and the Gold Coast of West Africa, they remain connected through shared dreams of water. But will their fates ever draw them back together?
The Hundred Wells of Salaga inspired this novel, The Deep Blue Between. This new novel follows twins Hassana and Vitória after they are separated in a human caravan – the very same one which sent Aminah, their little sister, to Kintampo and to Salaga.
This is the story of what happened next. The author transports the reader to the worlds of Accra, Lagos, and Bahia in the 1890s.
Destination/location: Brazil, West Africa Author/guide: Ayesha Harruna Attah Departure Time: 1890s
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