Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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starry skies to read under
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  • Location: Nanking, Tokyo

The Devil of Nanking

The Devil of Nanking

Why a Booktrail?

1937, 1990: Does a piece of film taken during the infamous Nanking massacre of 1937 really exist?

  • ISBN: 978-0553824858
  • Genre: Crime, Suspense

What you need to know before your trail

Grey Hutchins is in pursuit of an obsession. She is searching for a piece of film taken during the infamous Nanking massacre of 1937. Some say it never existed. Grey is certain that it does, and that it lies hidden – somewhere in Tokyo.

Alone in an alien city, Grey becomes a hostess in an exclusive club catering for Japanese businessmen – and gangsters. One gangster dominates – an old man in a wheelchair surrounded by a terrifying entourage – who is rumoured to rely on a powerful elixir for his continued health. It is an elixir that others want – at any price …

Travel Guide


In Chinese, “Nan” means south, and “jing” means capital, so Nanjing means southern capital. “Nanking” is a variant of Nanjing. Therefore, Bei means north, so Beijing means northern capital.

Nanjing massacre

The conflict which would become known as Second Sino-Japanese War started on July 7, 1937 at the Marco Polo Bridge which escalated rapidly into a full-scale war in northern China between the armies of China and Japan

Nanking 1937

“We went through the early morning streets, keeping a vigilant eye on all barricaded doors. Nanking, I thought, you are a ghost town. Where are your citizens? Cowering in silence, tucked away inside the shuttered houses?”

“Shanghai fell last week…”

“News comes that the Imperial Japanese Army is fanning out across the delta and how it seems that an assault on Nanking in inevitable….certain that if they can only take Nanking, our nation’s great capital, they will have the giant’s heart in their fists”

Booktrail Boarding Pass:  The Devil of Nanking

Destination: Nanking, Tokyo  Author/Guide: Mo Hayder  Departure Time: 1937 and 1990

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