Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Cornwall, Bodmin Moor

The Farm at the Edge of the World

The Farm at the Edge of the World

Why a Booktrail?

1930/40s, 2014: Secrets in Cornwall unravel. A small lie escalates. Is it ever too late to atone. Is it even possible?

  • ISBN: 978-1444792287
  • Genre: Fiction

What you need to know before your trail

1939:  Will and Alice are evacuated to a granite farm in north Cornwall,  and meet farmer’s daughter, Maggie. They all enjoy a summer of bliss amongst the shimmering barley but only a few years later something will happen which will have tragic consequences

2014: Maggie’s grandmother Lucy returns to her childhood home after her marriage collapses and her career is at an end following one terrible mistake. Despite her own problems she is keen to rebuild herself and to help her grandmother who is plagued by some terrible secret

Travel Guide

The novel is set on a granite farm in North Cornwall but its the landscape which inspired the author to revisit her own childhood memories which makes this such a nostalgic trip down memory lane.

Bodmin Moor

Part of the novel is set in a North Cornwall cove with views of the Atlantic and there’s a section dedicated to Bodmin Moor. Revisiting her she says allowed her to see “the peculiar claustrophobia of high-banked hedgerows or of tiny villages hidden in the folds between tors”

The weather and the unique scent of the Cornish landscape also heavily features. The mist, the confusion of a Cornish mile and the easy ability to get lost as the surroundings envelope and cloak you in their grasp.

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information: The Farm at the Edge of the World

Destination: Cornwall   Departure Time: 1939, 2014

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