Why a Booktrail?
2000s: When a glass house shatters, the pieces can harm..
2000s: When a glass house shatters, the pieces can harm..
Outside a remote manor house in an idyllic wood, a baby girl is found.
The Harrington family takes her in and disbelief quickly turns to joy. They’re grieving a terrible tragedy of their own and the beautiful baby fills them with hope, lighting up the house’s dark, dusty corners. Desperate not to lose her to the authorities, they keep her secret, suspended in a blissful summer world where normal rules of behaviour – and the law – don’t seem to apply.
But within days a body will lie dead in the grounds. And their dreams of a perfect family will shatter like glass.
Years later, the truth will need to be put back together again, piece by piece . . .
Foxcote Manor is sadly fictional but the Forest is very real and very much a character in its own right. It comes across as magical, mysterious and holding many secrets in its shadows.
The manor house sounds divine:
“Behind a tall rusting gate, Foxcote manor erupts from the undergrowth, as if a geological heave has lifted it from the woodland floor. A wrecked beauty, the old house’s mullioned windows blink drunkenly, in the stippled evening sunlight. Colossal trees overhang a sweep of red-tiled roof that sags in the middle, like a snapped spine, so the chimney’s tilt at odd angles. Ivy suckers up the timber and brick-gabled facade, dense, bristling, alive with dozens of tiny darting birds, a billowing veil of bees. It’s as far from the Harrington’s elegant London townhouse as Rita could possibly imagine.”
Destination/location: Forest of Dean Author/guide: Eve Chase Departure Time: 2000s
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