Why a Booktrail?
1960s: A teacher goes missing during an outing with her class
1960s: A teacher goes missing during an outing with her class
Miss Renshaw, class teacher and former actress takes her pupils out of school to the nearby gardens to see Morgan, a draft dodger and poet. The pupils are convinced this is an excuse for Miss Renshaw really just to see Morgan as they seem to like each other.
One day Miss Renshaw and Morgan meet and they all go to the sea caves. This is the day that the teacher goes missing and so everyone is a little reluctant to say where the teacher was and why.
Against all of this is the ongoing Vietnam war and two girls attempts of making sense of that at the same time as a disaster which has happened closer to home.
Dubosarsky says in her author’s note that the inspiration for `The Golden Day’ was a Charles Blackman painting called, `Floating Schoolgirl’. There were also other incidents in the news which she recalled at the time of writing the novel she remembered some infamous cases in the Sydney area and across Australia such as the Lennie Lawson case of a the painter and killer who murdered a Moss Vale schoolgirl in 1962.
1967 according to the novel was a year of death with the war raging and with a drowning. By the end of that same year, even Australia’s Prime Minister Harold Holt drowned just off Point Nepean, and his body has never been found.
Author/Guide Ursula Dubosarsky Destination: Sydney Departure Time: 1960s
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