Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Amazon rainforest

The Great Kapok Tree

The Great Kapok Tree

Why a Booktrail?

Timeless – Want to know what a kapok tree is?

  • ISBN: 978-0152026141
  • Genre: Childrens

What you need to know before your trail

One day, a man exhausts himself trying to chop down a giant kapok tree. He takes a rest and soon falls asleep. While he slumbers, those who live in the forest whisper in his ear about how important trees are  – to life in the forest, to the wildlife who live in them and for the air that we breathe. All living things depend on each other they say as they want to protect the tree and others like it from being chopped down.

But then the man wakes up. Is the tree and the forest still in danger?



Travel Guide

If you have ever wanted to go deep inside the Amazon rainforest and to see life in every vibrant detail then this is like a picture booktrail and a real feast for the eyes.

From the very first page, the forest comes alive with the sights, sounds, and smells jumping off the page. The forest is always hot, the tops of the trees, known as the canopy has lots of light as it’s near the sky and this is where the animals live who like lots of light.

“Colourful parrots fly from tree to tree”

“Graceful jaguars watch and wait”

There is a community of animals who live in one kapok tree and this is their story. Their story of survival and how when a man enters the forest to chop down this tree, the heat and hum of the forest lulls him to sleep. Then comes the time for the animals and people of the forest to save their home and habitat before it’s too late.

Each animal has a reason for needing this tree  -it’s their home, has been in their family for years, its a tree of miracles. As each animal pleads their case, you get to see not only the rainforest but the various parts of it -from the canopy of the trees, to the middle layer and the shrub layer showing the rainforest in all its glory.

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