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  • Location: London

The Harvest Man (Murder Squad 4 )

The Harvest Man (Murder Squad 4 )

Why a Booktrail?

1890: Alongside Jack the Ripper there is another brutal serial killer roaming the streets of Victorian London..

  • ISBN: 978-1405915083
  • Genre: Crime, Historical

What you need to know before your trail

Jack the Ripper still haunts Inspector Walter Day. He fears that the Ripper is still very much at large. His bad leg is a daily reminder of his own brush with the infamous killer.

But it’s not just this killer terrorizing the citizens of London. There’s someone called the Harvest Man who hides away in the attics of the unsuspecting, emerging at night to terrorize his victims.

This macabre new threat requires Inspector Day to really face his demons and fears. The Ripper might still be at large, but for now it’s time to take in the harvest.

Travel Guide

Walter Day’s Tour of London

Chalk Farm Tavern

Day goes for a drink in a Tavern here and it’s where Nevil Hammersmith goes to find him to tell him the latest news. Day is feeling both useless at home and at work so is drinking more than he should. The tavern here seems to be a haven for all kinds of people – both solicitors and police go there to relax and discuss cases. There are modern day taverns here too now of course and this one, in a former horse hospital seems just the kind of building a tavern back in 1890s would have looked like.

New Scotland Yard

The central police office has of course changed a great deal since 1890 and even been in a different location. You can see the ghost of Day walk into the door past the revolving sign if you hold the book in your left hand and squint.

Bishop’s Road

Bishop’s Road was busy. Vendors packed the pavement with cars and and boys ran up and down carrying their wares. Carriages threaded the narrow avenue between pedestrians, who strolled about window shopping and haggling with the vendors. The Harvest man stayed close tot the buildings on the south side of the road and kept his eyes fixed on the family across the street”

Hyde Park

The lovely big park in the centre where the horse is allowed to run for a bit and enjoy the space. Not so many horses there today running about in all directions, but watch out for tourists!

Monmouth Road

A short residential street but you might well see Constable John Jones patrolling this area, checking window locks and looking into attics.

Regent’s Park Road

A house which is at the centre of the mystery.Now a residential street but just imagine what it would have liked when the Harvest Man was in town!


Streetview Maps

A) London - Regent Park Road 184.
C) London - Monmouth Road

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information: The Harvest Man (Murder Squad 4)

Author/ Guide: Alex Grecian  Destination: London Departure Time: 1890

Twitter: @alexgrecian  Facebook: /alexgrecian  Web: alexgrecian.com

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