Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Cardiff, Pembrokeshire, St David's

The House on the Cliff

The House on the Cliff

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: One woman’s quest to discover the dark secret at the heart of a family

  • ISBN: 978-1447223542
  • Genre: Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

Actor Gwydion Morgan’s dramatic appearance at Jessica Mayhew’s psychotherapy practice coincides with a turbulent time in her own life – her husband has just revealed that he’s spent the night with a much younger woman. Gwydion, son of the famous Evan Morgan, is good looking and talented but mentally fragile, tormented by an intriguing phobia.

Jessica is determined to trace the cause of his distress. So when his mother phones to say he is suicidal, Jessica decides to make a house call. The Morgans live in a grand cliff-top mansion overlooking a rocky bay with its own private jetty. It’s a remote and somewhat sinister place.

Travel Guide

This novel takes you and places you right in the therapists chair. Well you might not want to see this therapist as she attracts the wrong sort of clients it turns out. Gwydion has a serious button phobia and since he’a an actor and about to star in a period drama, this could get rather difficult to say the least. She  has a very troubled home life at the moment and so the fixation on her new client is understandable but fraught with professional and personal danger.

The House on the Cliff – is dark , reminiscent of a gothic mansion and right by the craggy coastal cliffs. The house on the cover is chilling and dark. Gwydion’s mother calls her to the house as Gwydion is suicidal. So,all the pieces are in place for a dark situation on every level.

Pembrokeshire is a wild, rugged and dark place here where secrets and jealousy are blown around in the wind and there is a dar link to Sweden as a plaque near the house marks the spot where a Swedish backpacker died. This house on the cliff has many secrets to tell.

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