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  • Location: Cambridge

The Humans

The Humans

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Professor Andrew Martin makes a discovery that could change the world.

  • ISBN: 978-0857868787
  • Genre: Fiction, Humour

What you need to know before your trail

Professor Andrew Martin makes a discovery that could change the world.

He is a mathematical genius and workaholic who has managed to solve a major mathematical problem, which could lead to a huge breakthrough in scientific advancements and possibly even widespread space travel.

Aliens find out and are not surprisingly unnerved at this discovery and so one alien invades the body of the professor, kills him and inhabits his body. Now, looking like the professor and talking like him, he has to learn to be him and to find out if he told anyone of his findings and workings out to do with the theory. Oh and to eliminate his wife and son as well.

What on earth would the humans do with this information this professor has discovered?

The human who discovered it of course must die, but in order to blend in and find out what information he had about his discovery and another life form then the alien has to blend in and adopt their way of life

Cue a culture clash of epic and ALIEN proportions

Travel Guide

Who would have thought that the Alien race would choose Cambridge to come to? Not that there’s anything wrong with it but the alien comes to earth and takes over the body of the man who has discovered a secret that could destroy the aliens and life as they know it.

The professor works at Cambridge University – Fitzwilliam College to be precise and the seat of learning famous all around the world. So it’s no surprise that a secret so powerful would be discovered here. To think that amongst the walls and halls of this iconic setting, one professor’s life, the future of academia would be turned on its head so much by a visit by an alien. This is the Cambridge which it’s said ‘Didn’t have a Pizza Hut until recently”

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:

Twitter: @matthaig1

Facebook: /matt.haig.92

Web: matthaig.com

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