Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Scottish Highlands

The Hunting Party

The Hunting Party

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: What’s a murder between friends?

  • ISBN: 978-0008297114
  • Genre: Cosy crime

What you need to know before your trail

Bristling with tension, bitter rivalries, and toxic friendships, get ready for the most hotly-anticipated thriller of 2019.

In a remote hunting lodge, deep in the Scottish wilderness, old friends gather for New Year.

The beautiful one  The golden couple  The volatile one  The new parents
The quiet one  The city boy  The outsider  The victim.

Not an accident – a murder among friends.



Travel Guide

BookTrail Travel to The Scottish Highlands – Carrour Lodge

You will be pleased to hear that the lodge featured in the novel is not real. Although it was very much inspired by Carrour Lodge in the Scottish Highlands as this is where the author visited herself.

Plenty of wildlife and nature surround this impressive lodge. And there is plenty of history attached to it:

From the website:

“Corrour can trace its history back to the early 1800’s and the Victorian passion for all things Highlands-related. The very first Corrour Lodge, now referred to as Old Corrour, was built on an elevated site overlooking Rannoch Moor.”

Nearby the Cairngorms national park is one of the best places to discover the wonders of the night sky as it’s among the darkest skies in the UK. So darkness and a mystery lodge… perfect setting for The Hunting Party!


Booktrail Boarding Pass: The Hunting Party

Destination : Scottish Highlands  Author/Guide: Lucy Foley  Departure Time: 2000s

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