Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Dubai

The Image of Her

The Image of Her

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: An extraordinary story of two women who never meet and yet share the closest possible bond.

  • ISBN: 978-1529406498
  • Genre: Fiction

What you need to know before your trail

STELLA and CONNIE are strangers, brought together by two traumatic events – cruel twists of fate that happen thousands of miles apart.

Stella lives with her mother, a smothering narcissist. When she succumbs to dementia, the pressures on Stella’s world intensify, culminating in tragedy. As Stella recovers from a near fatal accident, she feels compelled to share her trauma but she finds talking difficult. In her head she confides in Connie because there’s no human being in the world that she feels closer to.

Connie is an expat living in Dubai with her partner, Mark, and their two children. On the face of it she wants for nothing and yet … something about life in this glittering city does not sit well with her. Used to working full time in a career she loves back in England, she struggles to find meaning in the expat life of play-dates and pedicures.

Two women set on a collision course. When they finally link up, it will not be in a way that you, or I, or anyone would ever have expected.

Travel Guide

Between Dubai and London

The settings are Dubai and England but they are there to show the distance between the two women of the novel. One lives in Dubai and the setting here is more immersive and detailed.  Various parts of the city are mentioned such as the Al Rolla Road where they live and the old town. Dubai in this novel is a city of expats and expat life is explored from the loneliness one of the character suffers and the challenges of life in another country. Especially one where you didn’t really want to be.

The distance between England and Dubai seems a very long one in this novel.

BookTrail Boarding Pass: I Know What I Saw

Destination/location:  Dubai, England  Author/guide: Sonia Velton  Departure Time:2000s

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