Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Zurich

The Last Weynfeldt

The Last Weynfeldt

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: An expert in art, but when it comes to women, the price and stakes are much higher

  • ISBN: B073QDP1DC
  • Translator: Steph Morris
  • Genre: Fiction

What you need to know before your trail

Adrian Weynfeldt is an art expert in an international auction house, a bachelor in his mid-fifties living in a grand Zurich apartment filled with costly paintings and antiques. Always correct and well-mannered, he’s given up on love until one night – entirely out of character for him – Weynfeldt decides to take home a ravishing but unaccountable young woman. The next morning, he finds her outside on his balcony threatening to jump. Weynfeldt talks her down and soon finds himself falling for this damaged but alluring beauty and his buttoned up existence comes unraveled. As their two lives become entangled, Weynfeldt gets embroiled in an art forgery scheme that threatens to destroy everything he and his prominent family have stood for.

This refined page-turner moves behind elegant bourgeois facades into darker recesses of the heart.

Travel Guide

Zurich and the art world

The sky was clear and the moon rising high over the town’s steep roofs was almost full. The street was almost empty except for an elderly woman with an energetic spitz on a leash

The setting concentrates on the world of auctions and the art galleries in the city. The plot involves the forgery of this painting by Félix Vallotton. Will he sell it the original or the copy he has?

Femme nue devant une salamandre, 1900.

Femme nue devant une salamandre, 1900

Will Weynfeldt sell the copy, or the original? This is the main part of the novel. The art forgery which follows him meeting a woman, taking her back to his apartment and then talking her down from the balcony. He becomes obsessed with her, she throws chaos in his ordered life.

Kunsthaus Zurich – Be sure to visit this popular museum with major European collections from 15th century to the present.


Booktrail Boarding Pass:  The Last Weynfeldt

Destination: Zurich  Author/Guide: Martin Suter  Departure Time: 2000s

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