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  • Location: London

The Lodger

The Lodger

Why a Booktrail?

1888: The novel that inspired the Hitchcock classic

  • ISBN: 978-0955976520
  • Genre: Fiction, Historical

What you need to know before your trail

A killer, known only as ‘The Avenger’, stalks the streets of foggy London murdering women. Meanwhile a mysterious stranger rents a room at the home of Mrs Bunting.

A coincidence… or something more sinister?

This is the novel that launched a thousand stories, theories and a Hitchcock film. This is the London of minimal settings – for all that is revealed is the home of Mr and Mrs Bunting, where the lodger comes to take some rooms. Maryleborne Street where the newspaper boys shout about the latest killings and where the people of London hurry about their business. Read this by candlelight.


Travel Guide

The fog laden streets of London

From the Maryleborne Road where Mr and Mrs Bunting live and take in the lodger, this area of London becomes a haven of killing and fear. Someone called the Avenger is roaming London and much like Jack the Ripper, several months before, this Avenger is killing randomly and leaving everyone in fear. Marylebone Road is the place where the newspaper boys call the news of the latest killings and where the lodger stays holed up in the Bunting’s home.

The setting inside and out, is one of claustrophobia. The house itself is sparse and poor, the Buntings seem to sit beside the fire if they have one and only Mrs Bunting tends to the stranger they call Mr Sleuth. An apt name for a man who seems to watch everything and everyone, who roams the streets of London at strange hours of the night and who rearranges the furniture and carries out strange experiments in his rooms and even in the kitchen downstairs.

Very creepy and very strange – this is a picture of Victorian London amid the gas lamps, the fog and the fear that is roaming the streets and killing at will.

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information: The Lodger

Author/ Guide: Marie Belloc Lowndes  Destination: London   Departure Time : 1888

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