Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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  • Location: Fictional Silvertjarn, Sweden

The Lost Village

The Lost Village

Why a Booktrail?

2000s, 1950s: What happened when the entire population of  Silvertjarn disappeared overnight ?

  • ISBN: 978-9045216645
  • Genre: Ghost/supernatural, Gothic, Mystery, Psychological

What you need to know before your trail

In the 1950s, a small Swedish village grabbed the news headlines when the entire population of the city disappeared without a trace.

The mystery is never solved and gradually the media loses interest in the strange occurring. However the locals do not.

A girl called Alice grows up with a fascination for the story as her grandmother told how she lost her entire family during this inexplicable disappearance. So, when Alice is an adult, she gathers a group of friends  and set out to make a documentary about the village. To find out once and for all what really happened. They’re the first people in fifty years to visit this strange “death city”. However, they are soon aware that they might not be the only ones there….

Travel Guide

BookTrailing travel to  the lost villages of Sweden – Silvertjarn

See more of Silvertjarn on Literary location here

Silvertjarn is fictional ….or is it? There are plenty of ghost towns and abandoned mining towns in and around the country.


Here is a ghost town not far from Vidsel which existed between 1936 and 1947. It was a mining community of around 350  people and copper was extracted here until operations ended on 4 November 1946.


Björnhammaren was once a thriving mill town but now that the factories have gone, so too has the life out of this little place. A place where ironically the main street, in fact the only street was called Lyckliga gatan (Happy Street). Most of it has be demolished now and since 2017 not much is left….. apart from the faint ghosts of the past perhaps?

BookTrail Boarding Pass: The Lost Village

Destination: Sweden, fictional Silvertjarn Author/guide:  Camilla Sten  Departure Time: 1950s, 2000s

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