Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: The Outback

The Middle of Nowhere

The Middle of Nowhere

Why a Booktrail?

What’s it like living in the Middle of Nowhere?

  • ISBN: 978-1409522003
  • Genre: Fiction

What you need to know before your trail

 Kinkindele (fictional outpost in The Australian Outback)

Herbert Pinny is the Stationmaster of the Kinkindele Repeater Station, in the middle of no where, the back of beyond. He takes great pride in his job; receiving morse messages and passing them down the Wire to the rest of Australia and beyond. He is a widower now that his wife Mary has died from a snakebite. He is also the sole carer of their young daughter, Comity

Comity dreams of a different life – where her mother is alive and she has her own horse and a new piano – and sends letters to her grandmother and her snooty aunt full of colourful tales of her imaginary life. But when the new station assistant, Quartz Hogg, arrives  – Comity is going to find out where her imaginary life will take her.

Travel Guide

The Australian Outback

Just where is the middle of nowhere? Here the reader is transported right to the heart of it – the Australian Outback to a (fictional) telegraph outpost removed from all kinds of civilisation. 

This outpost is not a happy or united place despite the name Comity having been chosen as it means  ‘comity of nations’ . Togetherness, inclusiveness. The racist tensions make this a place as dry and unwelcoming as the desert sands on which it is located. Fred, the aborigine boy is a friend of Comity’s but he is targeted by the other men he works with there .

Kinkedele is a place of death, violence, abuse, racism and intolerance .

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:  The Middle of Nowhere

Author/Guide: Geraldine McCaughrean   Destination: The Outback

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