Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Adelaide, Glenelg Beach

The Missing Beaumont Children

The Missing Beaumont Children

Why a Booktrail?

1966: One day at the beach, three young children go missing…

  • ISBN: 978-1519057365
  • Genre: Crime, Non-Fiction

What you need to know before your trail

It was a warm summer morning on January 26, 1966, when the three Beaumont children left their suburban home to celebrate Australia Day at the beach. The children regularly made the trip by themselves, so their mother felt at ease providing them with bus fare and sending them on their way while she visited and had lunch with a close friend. However, she would return home that afternoon to find that the children still had not returned. That morning would end up being the last time she saw her three children. The case would remain a mystery for over fifty years as different serial killers would claim responsibility for the disappearance.

Travel Guide

Glenelg Beach, South Australia

Glenelg Beach, South Australia

Glenelg Beach

On Australia Day, 1966, three children. Jane (9), Arnna (7) and Grant (4) were put on bus by their mother for the short ride to the beach. This was quite normal in those days as parents would let their children roam locally to play and then come back for lunch.

They were expected back at just after lunch time and had been given just enough money to buy something to eat. But they never returned.

All three children were spotted at various places around the area of Glenelg Beach. One witness saw them in the local pie shop (Wenzels Cake shop in Mosley Street) buying cakes and “ a pie for the man” with a crisp one pound note which was a lot in those days. Their mother had only given them coins. They were also spotted at Colley Reserve “with a man”

Booktrail Boarding Pass:  The Missing Beaumont Children

Destination : Adelaide, Glenelg Beach Author/Guide: Janet Horn  Departure Time: 1966

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