Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: New Zealand, Cork, Geneva, Toronto, London

The Missing Sister

The Missing Sister

Why a Booktrail?

2008, 1920, 1949: They’ll search the world to find her.

  • ISBN: 978-1509840175
  • Genre:

What you need to know before your trail

The six D’Aplièse sisters have each been on their own incredible journey to discover their heritage, but they still have one question left unanswered: who and where is the seventh sister?

They only have one clue – an image of a star-shaped emerald ring. The search to find the missing sister will take them across the globe – from New Zealand to Canada, England, France and Ireland – uniting them all in their mission to complete their family at last.

In doing so, they will slowly unearth a story of love, strength and sacrifice that began almost one hundred years ago, as other brave young women risk everything to change the world around them.

Travel Guide

Tour several locations with The Missing Sister

The story starts in New Zealand and quickly moves onto Toronto, London and even France with a few visits to Geneva, the home of the Seven Sisters father and where this whole series began. (The author is keen for readers to visit the wonderful Norfolk Island in particular as it was one of her favourite places for research.)

However, this story is firmly set in Ireland and captures the magical spirit and fascinating history of West Cork. The author mentions in her author note that she always knew she would set the novel here as it’s her home. She wanted to write about the story of the Irish War of Independence but from a personal account, not the ones you read in history books. The personal stories of her characters linked to the places in Ireland is lovingly crafted, illuminating the struggles and secrets people held during this very tumultuous time. Michael Collins and the IRA feature throughout and events during these times help to ground the novel in reality and history which really adds to the story of the missing sister.

You go on quite  the journey in this novel and the scene setting is impeccable as ever. The flavours and landscapes of each country, city, however brief is woven with the next leaving a trail of the seven sisters which crosses the world. This is the most ambitious trail of Lucinda’s yet! (Who knows where the eighth book entitled Atlas – the story of Pa Salt takes us!)


BookTrail Boarding Pass: The Missing Sister

Destination/location: Cork, Ireland, Toronto, Geneva, London  Author/guide: Lucinda Riley Departure Time: 2008, 1920, 1949

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