Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Cornwall, St Agnes

The Morgawr and the Bad Knockers (Austin the Cornish Miner 2)

The Morgawr and the Bad Knockers (Austin the Cornish Miner 2)

Why a Booktrail?

A delightful tale of Cornish miners and sea creatures such as Morgawrs

  • ISBN: 978-1911110712
  • Genre: Childrens, Folklore

What you need to know before your trail

Austin The Cornish Miner embarks on an adventure taking him underground, through dangerous tunnels and out to sea.

New friends emerge in the shape of sea serpents  – Morgawrs who are the stuff of legends. They’re sea creatures who appear if a sailor bangs a metal mug against the side of his boat three times in three

sets of three the creature will appear. But then what about the Knockers? The men who lived underground and keep their boots clean with ear wax! Knockers are sometimesbnaughty but they live by a code and if one does something wrong, there’s a reward for putting it right.

What with Knockers and Morgawrs, there’s an awful lot going on in Cornwall!


Travel Guide

Wheal Coates

Austin works as a miner in Wheal Coates. He has a hard job and digs out tin with other men underground. It’s a tough job and today the mine is undergoing an inspection. The fisherman nearby catch pilchards or is it sardines? A fish is pilchard if it was under six inches long.  Pilchards fisherman on the whole are an eccentric bunch apparently.

Chapel Porth Beach

Austin and Patrick have a picnic here. Why not sail down to the Pointy End – “The farthest end of Cornwall where all land ran out” It’s there the stories start and the sightings of sea creatures such as Morgawrs..

Streetview Maps

A) Wheal Coates
B) Chapel Porth Beach

Booktrailer Review

Susan: @thebooktrailer

There are books for children and books for children which adults can enjoy. And this is a bit of both! Is it wrong I was enthralled by Morgawrs and the Morgawr mile? There ‘s something magical about Cornwall anyway with its many legends and myths and this is a new addition to the mix of characters Cornwall is known for.

It’s an adventure which weaves Cornwall into each and every page not to mention the illustrations bringing it all to life! I was glad to find out that this is the second in a five book series which plans to showcase Cornwall to children young and old. Tin mines,rugged hillsides,underground tunnels, sea creatures and Cornish pasties. A feast for all the senses!

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information: The Morgawr and the Bad Knockers (Austin the Cornish Miner 2)

Author/Guide: Karen M. Hoyle  Destination: Cornwall

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