Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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starry skies to read under
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  • Location: Moscow

The Moscow Code

The Moscow Code

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: In Moscow, the truth can be a dangerous commodity.

  • ISBN: 978-1459737143
  • Genre: Humour, Spy story

What you need to know before your trail

Ottawa bureaucrat-turned-diplomat Charlie Hillier has returned from his first posting in Havana, well, more survived his posting in Havana and he’s ready for posting number 2. Not long after he arrives, he gets to work on the case of a technical writer from Toronto in jail on dubious drug charges. As Charlie tries to get to grips with the Russian legal system, the young man turns up dead. The official report says suicide but when the body is “accidentally” cremated by the authorities, Charlie realises that it’s probably a lot more.

He tries to get a grip with what he’s discovered but decides to keep digging to get to grips with the truth. But things take a dangerous turn and suddenly, the truth is less important than getting out of Russia alive.

Travel Guide

The Charlie Hiller tour of Moscow

The Arbat

All the restaurants and ships along the Arbat were bustling and charlie was well placed to take in the passing crowd during a well deserved respite from an afternoon spent touring the Kremlin”

The Gum Department store

Formely a state department store selling workers’ necessities, it now houses the most exclusive shops in Moscow”

From his apartment near the Moscow river, he only has a fifteen minute walk to the Canadian Embassy where he is based. There are lots of well dressed and nice to look at women here he notices. The metros however are his least favourite thing and as soon as he sees the traffic he decides to go on the metro before seeing the swarms of people who have had the same idea. Moscow comes to life for him and he sees the light and dark of the city and its people. He realises that the shadier you are, the more revered you seem to be.

Bolshoi Theatre

The large and iconic theatre is just round the corner from where the hotel is where Charlie goes to meet someone. The the Night Sky club downtown -another but altogether very different landmark of the city.

Butyrka prison

Perhaps not one on your own agenda but it’s impressive to see a Russian prison from the outside

Streetview Maps

A) Moscow - the Arbat
C) Moscow - Canadian Embassy

Booktrailer Review

Susan: @thebooktrailer

Only the second book in a series but already this is shaping up to be a real favourite of mine! Moscow is the perfect setting for the diplomatic issues and mystery which follows and the diplomatic world is a fun one through which gives a very unique mystery tour. Really enjoyable and a Hillier triumph once again.

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Booktrail Boarding Pass:  The Moscow Code

Destination: Moscow  Author/Guide: Nick Wilkshire  Departure Time: 2000s

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