Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Wherever the circus appears

The Night Circus

The Night Circus

Why a Booktrail?

The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not.

  • ISBN: 978-0099554790
  • Genre: Fantasy/Sci Fi, magical realism

What you need to know before your trail

The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not. The black sign, painted in white letters that hangs upon the gates, reads:

Opens at Nightfall
Closes at Dawn

As the sun disappears beyond the horizon, all over the tents small lights begin to flicker, as though the entirety of the circus is covered in particularly bright fireflies. When the tents are all aglow, sparkling against the night sky, the sign appears.

Le Cirque des Rêves
The Circus of Dreams.

Now the circus is open.
Now you may enter.

Travel Guide

The magic of the circus

What a world of magic and wonder this book conjures up

The feeling of excitement, wonder and awe, childlike gaping as you looked at that first acrobat, the bright lights, the animals and the ringmaster announcing the very next magical act. Even the smell of sawdust can make you nostalgic for such a feast of the senses and this book conjures that up and much much more…
“The towering tents are striped in white and black, no golds and crimsons to be seen. No color at all, save for the neighbouring trees and the grass of the surrounding fields, Black and white stripes on grey sky; countless tents of varying shapes and sizes with an elaborate wrought-iron fence encasing them in a colorless world, Even what little ground is visible from outside is black or white, painted or powered, or treated with some other circus trick.”
“All over the tents, small light begin to flicker, as though the entirety of the circus is covered in particularly bright fireflies. the waiting crowd quiets as it watches this display of illumination, Someone near you gasps”

Booktrailer Review


I absolutely fell in love with this book as soon as I read it. It’s not a booktrail one of course since the locations are magical rather than real (yeah I know sorry) but it captures the spirit of the circus and the magical world so much that it’s hard not to fall in love with it. Let your inner child come out to play..

The story of the two magicians battling it out for supremacy is at the heart of the book but for me it’s the world that this novel builds which is the most exciting. There’s true magic, allusions to a world that’s hidden in plain sight – the circus just appears at night in the middle of the woods…..this is so shimmery and delightful that it’s a novel to be savoured and read again and again.

I am amazed at the level of imagination the author has to write such a novel but more than that, it’s the language she uses to weave eve more spells. Can you tell how much I loved this?

The magical contest, the mix of the real world and the fantastical, the power of the magicians at the circus…there’s a lot to love here.

Booktrail Boarding Pass: The Night Circus

Destination: Everywhere and anywhere  Author/Guide: Erin Morgenstern

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