Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: County Clare

The Night of the Party

The Night of the Party

Why a Booktrail?

1982: An Irish town has a secret…..

  • ISBN: 978-1473653764
  • Genre: Fiction

What you need to know before your trail

The Crossan family are holding their annual party during the biggest snowstorm Ireland has seen in decades. By the end of the night, the parish priest, Father Leo Galvin, is dead.

The lives of four teenagers – Tom, Conor, Tess and Nina – who had been drinking beer and smoking in a shed at the back of the house, will never be the same. But one of them carries a secret from that night that he has never shared.

Now, as the thirty-fifth anniversary of Father Galvin’s murder approaches, Conor, now a senior police officer, has become obsessed with the crime his father failed to solve. He believes that Tom can help identify Father Galvin’s killer. But does Tom wish to break his silence?

Will Kilmitten’s secret will finally be revealed.

Travel Guide


The town Kilmitten is fictional although it is set in Country Clare. It’s 1982 and the whole of Ireland is ptractically cut off. Snow as no one has ever seen snow before.Dublin is cut off they say and the news channels are reporting  more snow and snow chaos to come.

Just as well Kilmitten is fictional as it’s where a parish priest is found murdered and where a family are to face their past….Secrets buried with the snow?…. sounds omninous…

From Rachael on Swirl and Thread #IrishWritersWed:

“One other thing: the story starts during ‘The Big Snow’ of 1982. I’ve long been fascinated by the impact of extreme weather, and I loved researching what life was like during those January days. I read about farms and villages becoming cut off, people running low on food, and power lines being felled by heavy snow. Of course, as soon as I’d finished editing my fictional account of life during a blizzard, I got to experience one in real life.”

The snowstorm of Ireland

Country Clare

“The first snowflakes arrived on Thursday afternoon. Before long, the flurries blurred into a steady fall , the snow folding itself around Kilmitten until everything was white. People took to the streets, beaming at the wonder of it all. “Look at that sky,‘they said. ‘It’s not finished yet you know.” Children shrieked with delight, and adults turned into children. Snowballs went zinging through the air, while kids on makeshift sleds – here a coal sack, there a tea tray, zoomed down Toomney’s Hill.

Dublin was at a standstill, he said, and Wicklow was cut off…”


Booktrail Boarding Pass:  The Night of the Party

Destination : County Clare  Author/Guide: Rachael English  Departure Time: 1982, 2000s

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