Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Kentucky, Melbourne

The Nowhere Child

The Nowhere Child

Why a Booktrail?

2000s and 20 years previous: A stolen child, and it could be you

  • ISBN: 978-0008276560
  • Genre: Crime, Mystery

What you need to know before your trail

Little Sammy Went vanishes from her home in Manson, Kentucky – an event that devastates her family and tears apart the town’s deeply religious community.

Kim Leamy, an Australian photographer, is approached by a stranger who turns her world upside down – he claims she is the kidnapped Sammy and that everything she knows about herself is based on a lie.

In search of answers, Kim returns to the remote town of Sammy’s childhood to face up to the ghosts of her early life. But the deeper she digs into her family background the more secrets she uncovers… And the closer she gets to confronting the trauma of her dark and twisted past.

Travel Guide

Travel BookTrail style to Kentucky

The author says that to make a difference to his story and to make it even more unique, he set it in Kentucky. This place had made quite the impression on him. As a child he visited Mammoth Cave and it had such an impact on him, he didn’t want to forget it. When it came to writing the novel, Kentucky and its unique geographical setting made for a perfect literary one!

Characters in the book wander in dark places, both geographically and in their minds. A child lost in the void. The memories of these caves strengthen that sense of entrapment and claustrophobia.

Manson is fictional as is Redwood. Kimberly is from Melbourne and this city appears dotted throughout the book but as a secondary location to chilling Manson.

Mammoth Caves

The area is known for its caves network and this is where you can visit. This is the network of caves which inspired the author.

BookTrail Boarding Pass: The Nowhere Child

Destination: Fictional Manson, Kentucky Author/guide: Christian White Departure Time: 2000s and 20 years ago

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