Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: London, Birmingham, Australia

The One

The One

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: How far would you really go to find ‘the one’?

  • ISBN: 978-1785035623
  • Genre: Fantasy/Sci Fi, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

Imagine if there was a test which could find the very person you were meant to be with. The one person who matched you in every sense of your DNA and the person who would quite literarally complete you. What would happen if you were with someone and then found out that the one you thought might be your match – actually wasn’t? The man or woman you were married to was not really your match? Scientifically at least.

Can two people really be together as a result of science? Where do emotions fit into it? Chance? Fate? Or are the possibilities of DNA far beyond anything anyone could have dreamed off?

What would you do to find your true match? Risk your life? Change your life? Dump your current partner? Kill?

Travel Guide

The World of DNA

Various locations briefly mentioned including London and Birmingham where potential matches go to meet. One woman even travels as far as Australia in order to meet the one man who is supposed to be the one she’s destined to be with.

The true landscape of this novel is not the settings or locations as potential clients of #MatchYourDNA could and are anywhere and everywhere in the world. What this journey is all about is the uncertainty of the landscape these people find themselves in. The landscape of uncertainty and change, how science and fate may or may not be linked. What do you believe more in the world – Science or fate? Is science and fact the same thing?

This is a world without a moral compass or a compass of any kind.

Booktrailer Review

Susan: @thebooktrailer

When the book proof arrived with a card and a sample DNA swab, I knew this was going to be good. I do enjoy a good argument about a moral issue and I’d not read about one since the days of Peter James’ Perfect People. I don’t pretend to know much about DNA, science and such like but I enjoy thinking about it, the issues behind the questions and what I might do in the same situation.

So to find out about a DNA match dating service was a joy – several interlinked stories of people who have used the service. Relationships break, change, doubts set in, choices made which science seems to be dictating. People completely question themselves and why fate has brought them the partner they are with – and not the one science now tells them about. There were so many questions running through my head as I read this. It’s blinking compelling and utterly believable and frightening when you realise just how close we may be to this. The consequences as revealed in the book are astounding and chilling and I was in shock again and again. Jeepers, this author has whipped a fascinating nugget of a premise into a fully-cooked, multilayered cake chock full of surprises.

The story of Christopher – no spoilers here – runs alongside and I wasn’t sure for a while how everything linked up. Haha nice one. Very clever. Was there a twist? Several and then some.

A very entertaining read but one that really leaves more questions than it answers when you think about it.

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:  The One

Author/Guide: John Marrs Destination: London, Birmingham, Australia Departure Time: 2000s

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