Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: London, Scarborough

The Other Child

The Other Child

Why a Booktrail?

2000s, 1970s, WW2: A student is found cruelly murdered.

  • ISBN: 978-1409121213
  • Translator: Stefan Tobler
  • Genre: Crime, Fiction

What you need to know before your trail

In the northern seaside town of Scarborough, a student is found cruelly murdered. For months, the investigators are in the dark, until they are faced with a copy-cat crime. The investigation continues apace, yet they are still struggling to establish a connection between the two victims.

Ambitious detective Valerie Almond clings to the all too obvious: a rift within the family of the second victim. But there is far more to the case than first appears and Valerie is led towards a dark secret, inextricably linked to the evacuation of children to Scarborough during World War II.

Horrified at her last-minute discovery, Valerie realises that she may be too late for action..

Travel Guide


The house must have lost the battle with the bombers in one of the past few night. We had known the families who had lived here a little, as you know each other when you live not any yards from each other in the same street.

The virulence of the German air raids on London had taken everyone by surprise, and the number of victims exceeded people’s fears. The aerial defence of London, undertaken with a woeful lack of equipment had proven to be in adequate.


Where war feels so far away…

“The aim of bring children to the safety of the countryside was a top priority, no matter how there had not been time to organize everything perfectly. One could not worry about he children’s psychology. they would have to cope.”

One of the characters lived in Yorkshire but also knows london as she lived there for the first eleven years of her life.

Whereas Yorkshire’s endless fields, its dreamy little villages, the way the earth and sky merged on the distant horizon, the nearness of the sea, all the animals and its clear is gave me the feeling of being home. Even if I did not realise that at the time.”

Booktrail Boarding Pass:  The Other Child

Destination : London, Scarborough  Author/Guide: Charlotte Link  Departure Time: 2000s, 1970s, WW2

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