Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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starry skies to read under
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  • Location: St Petersburg, Edinburgh

The Paintress

The Paintress

Why a Booktrail?

1823: Two intriguing stories woven together bring to life the achievements of real-life 19th century superstar artist Christina Robertson, doyenne of the Russian royal court.

  • ISBN: 978-1739459024
  • Genre: Fiction, Historical, Mystery

What you need to know before your trail

Anna grew up hearing stories from her grandmother of an ancestor artist’s adventures in St. Petersburg. Now, in the Hermitage Museum, adult Anna stands in front of Christina Robertson’s gorgeous life-sized portraits of the Romanovs and she hopes the legend is true. Her research into the painter becomes a quest to honour her granny.

In 1823 Christina Robertson realises her artistic ambitions exhibiting portraits at the Royal Academy. Her happiness is secured in marrying her teenage sweetheart James and having a baby girl. But Christina is harbouring a secret from him.

Anna buries herself in researching Christina Robertson, a distraction from the stress of not conceiving, which is causing growing problems in her marriage.

Christina must cope with the burden of being the breadwinner through yearly pregnancies and many bereavements.

Both Anna and Christina flee to St Petersburg after marriage crises. Can they find happiness there?

Travel Guide

Edinburgh and St Petersburg

Christina Robertson  was born in December 1796 and died on 30 April 1854. She was a Scottish painter known for her portraits of Russian imperial family. She is now buried in the Volkov Cemetery in St Petersburg.

She was the first woman honorary member of the Royal Scottish Academy. Saunders was in St Petersburg from 1839 to 1841 where she carried out full length painting of Tsar Nicholas I and Empress Alexandra and her three daughters – Maria, Olga and Alexandra.

BookTrail Boarding Pass: The Paintress

Destination/location : St Petersburg, Edinburgh   Author/guide: Jane Anderson Departure Time: 1823

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