Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Pyrenees (fictional Fogas)

The Parisian’s Return

The Parisian’s Return

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: The welcome return to the village of Fogas and the charming people, well some charming some just annoying but in a lovely way. Vive la France!

  • ISBN: 978-1444721478
  • Genre: Fiction, Humour

What you need to know before your trail

The focus shifts away from Paul and Lorna and almost immediately we meet a new character `Le Parisian’ who wants to make  – gasp – changes – gasp – in the Epicerie and local bar. Stephanie, the waitress at the Auberge makes a welcome return – now getting her garden centre of the ground. She has a lot on her mind at the moment –

“Stephanie Moran had never killed anyone before. Not that she knew of anyway.”

Oh and there is a newcomer who is coming to shake everything up – and then some.

Travel Guide

If you’re familiar with the beautiful setting and and the colourful characters that make up the village of Fogas in the Pyrénées. (Fogas of course being purely fictional!) you will certainly want no, really need to go back.

As the pages unfold you are transported to the village and are privileged to be part of its gossip, scheming, politics and romances.

It’s the newcomer from Paris who used to spend his time in Fogas as a child. The city type out of his depth and back to his rural home makes for some fun reading. Oh and you will learn lots about the culture and the food and drink of the pyrenees region too – the wine to drink and the kind of knifes that impress all who use them. As you move around the village, visiting the epicerie and the post office meeting all those who you come into contact with. It’s a lesson in French ways and mannerisms and some very funny English v french humour.

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:

Twitter: @DalesWriter

Facebook: /staggjulia

Web: jstagg.

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