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  • Location: Cuba, Havana

The Passion According to Carmela

The Passion According to Carmela

Why a Booktrail?

1960s: An epic love saga set against the tumultuous backdrop of the Cuban Revolution.

  • ISBN: 978-1503905382
  • Translator: Carolina De Robertis
  • Genre: Fiction, legal/political

What you need to know before your trail

It is a time for upheaval in Cuba: the time to build a new society. Even from her position of privilege, idealistic divorcée Carmela Vasconcelos sees the waves of uprising and is caught up in the excitement. Persuaded by her brother, Lucas, she flees her wealthy home to join Fidel Castro’s rebels.

In the mountainous jungle of the Sierra Maestra, Carmela meets Ignacio Deheza, a charismatic Argentinian socialist fighting on behalf of the insurrection. On the training fields of a revolution, they bond in the cause—and in a blind passion that stirs their blood and soul.

As Carmela, Ignacio, and Lucas navigate increasingly dangerous political waters, their personal fates become inexorably tied with that of their country. But when the rebellion succumbs to corruption and disillusionment, they’ll find their dedication to the movement tested. For Carmela and Ignacio, they’ll soon discover that it’s their commitment to each other—and the choices they must make to survive—that will be the greatest challenge of al

Travel Guide

The  Cuban Revolution and the years of Fidel Castro’s regime.

The author note is interesting:

The love story in this novel begins with a revolution that changed the lives of half the planet’s population, a revolution, fueled by the dreams and ambitions of an unknown man named Fidel Casto. Latin America spent the first half of the twentieth century suffering under a series of murderous, corrupt dictatorships. As the book pens , Cuba is in the grip pf a depraved leader, Fulgencio Batista, a repressive dictator whose regime was backed bu the Inited States.

With the fate of the country on the brink of great change, Carmela and Ignacio meet, And it is not long before they are swept up in a great, suspenseful passion.Their magnetic physical attraction – fueled by potent idealism – is told in three voices, as in a resonant song.

They meet real historical figures. They playa role in events that change the lives of all cubans and that will soon transform the world. The revolution, which at first seems destined to fail, ignites the hopes of intellectuals, artists, and politicians. It awakens the curiosity of millions.”

Booktrailer Review

Susan: @thebooktrailer

A book of two parts – of a love story set against the growing rumbles of the Cuban Revolution.

This was and still is such an iconic moment of history that it’s refreshing and fascinating to explore and experience through the eyes of Carmela and Lucas. Carmela of course is the one who heads out to join a group of

Cuban rebels committed to overthrowing the American-backed dictator Batista. The rebels are led  by none other than Fidel Castro himself. Lucas shows just as much determination and grit to fight for the cause too. This is a time where many youngsters especially went to fight for the cause, when they felt the rumbles of great change.

The love story is a major part of the book but for me, it was the Revolution and being in that revolution which was not just the background but played a major role itself. Having studied this at university, it was interesting to return and find myself in the middle of the struggle in a fictional novel. I do wonder however if the detail and politics might overshadow the love story and the characters. it was a more heavy read that I had anticipated. The love story, as it progressed, read easier and flowed more smoothly than the revolution scenes. This is no criticism of the wonderful translation though! I mean, I don’t think anyone can make a love story and a revolution sing from the same song sheet.

It’s a multilayered and quite complex read at times but an interesting one for Spanish students and those interested in Cuban/world politics.

Booktrail Boarding Pass:  The Passion According to Carmela

Destination : Havana, Cuba  Author/Guide: Marcos Aguinis  Departure Time:1950s

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