Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Rye, Sussex

The Promise

The Promise

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Schooldays are the happiest of your life, right?

  • ISBN: 978-1503905078
  • Genre: Psychological

What you need to know before your trail

It was their darkest secret. Three schoolgirls made a promise – to take the horrible truth of what they did to the grave.

Thirty years later, Beth and Sally have tried to put the trauma behind them. Though Carol has distanced herself from her former friends, the three are adamant that the truth must never come to light, even if the memory still haunts them.

But when some shocking news threatens to unearth their dark secret, Beth enlists the help of private investigator Matthew Hill to help her and Sally reconnect with estranged Carol ­– before the terrible act they committed as teenagers is revealed.

Beth wishes she could take back the vow they made.

But somebody is watching and will stop at nothing to ensure the secret stays buried. Now, with her beloved family in peril, can Beth still keep the promise?

Travel Guide

BookTrail Travel to Rye with The Promise

The setting of Rye is vague and not that important to the story as most of the action takes place inside the fictional boarding school. The Convent of St Colman to be precise. A place which many years later causes a great deal of fear between the girls in the story.

The author mentioned that the idea of a boarding school appealed to her as it’s where close friendships and bonds can form without the people being related to one another. People who live and study together have a unique bond and shared experiences in ways that friends at a normal school do not. When there’s religion brought into the mix, that’s a whole new set of circumstances and standards to follow.

Just as well these places in the novel aren’t real, but boarding schools in general are of course…

BookTrail Boarding Pass: The Promise

Destination: Rye, Sussex Author/guide: Teresa Driscoll  Departure Time: 2000s and years earlier

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