Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Cambridge

The Rich

The Rich

Why a Booktrail?

2023: They can buy everything except the truth.

  • ISBN: 978-1804365229
  • Genre: Crime, Psychological

What you need to know before your trail

Each week, they come to lie on her couch. Carrie, Henry and Grace. They don’t know one another, but Dr Alex knows them all too well. She listens as they reveal their dirtiest little secrets.

Then a murderer strikes in their elite neighbourhood. Could her clients hold the answers? As a psychologist she knows that anyone can be a killer if they’re pushed hard enough.

But only some can get away with it.

Travel Guide


The book is set in Cambridge but there is not really a sense of place in the novel. There are a few mentions of the city and its streets but this could be set anywhere. That’s its strength in many ways – this could be the rich community of any city sitting side by side its less fortunate.

They say you never know what goes on behind closed doors and that’s very true of the rich people in this book. The haves might have money but here they have no morals and it’s fascinating!

Nice to see how the other half live though with their posh houses and glided lives.

BookTrail Boarding Pass: The Rich

Destination: Cambridge Author/guide: Rachel Lynch  Departure Time: 2023

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