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  • Location: Niagara Falls, London

The Ripper’s Hellbroth

The Ripper’s Hellbroth

Why a Booktrail?

1888, 2000s: Has Jack the Ripper returned and crossed to America?

  • ISBN: 978-1492245797
  • Genre: Crime, Historical

What you need to know before your trail

Western New York is under-siege from a serial killer who seems to be following in the footsteps of the most famous fiend of them all – Jack the Ripper. The Niagara Falls Serial Killer Task Force calls in none other than the Watchmaker, a detective sleuth par excellence. The Watchmaker, FBI’s chief scientist Dr. Edward Dunham knew at once there was something strange about this killer. When he discovers the fiend’s immortal agenda, giving the case its first break in what seemed to be an unsolvable situation, he blows the case wide open with a prediction of where the killer will strike next.

Travel Guide

New York

1888 and Police Detective Thomas F Fyne is seen looking out of his window and considering the fact that his detective forces had become the template for other big cities to emulate. They watch the Jack the Ripper case unfold in London and are keen to find out more.

New York – Niagara Falls

The police are calling this murderer the Niagara Falls ripper as he killed the first woman on the AMerican side of the falls near the Niagara Falls casino . All the murders occur in the Western New York area

Victims are found in Lewiston park and Delaware park to name but two.

UK – London – Whitechapel

The murder of Jack the Ripper are well documented but in this book they come once again to the fore- the police force are seen to be making mistakes instead of progress and the eyes of the world are upon them.

The booktrail map shows the locations of the real murders. The Lyceum theatre was off course another significance location since the actor Richard Mansfield, starring in the production of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde was performing here and he was also a suspect in the case.

Booktrailer Review

Susan: @thebooktrailer

I’ve found myself reading a few Jack the Ripper connected books lately. Maybe it’s the dark nights setting in or something I don’t know but this one landed on the kindle and I got reading.

It’s a new take on the old Jack the Ripper theme – this time a modern day copy cat Jack the Ripper killer is in New York and the FBI have got involved. The story then jumps back and forth however between modern day and the time of the Ripper of 1888. I’d not read another dual time line Ripper story like this so that made a nice change – the original murders  were well drawn and analysed and the overall atmosphere well evoked. The line between past and present eerily smudged.

There must have been a lot of suspicion over the years as whether Jack the Ripper had resurfaced or indeed come back to life as it were with copycat killers finding the premise of the original killings too hard to miss.

This is a neatly tied up and researched story into the what ifs, and the flight over the ocean from 1888 to present day was nicely done. It adds a new and nice angle to the original horror story and adds plenty of its own.

A must for those still intrigued by the Rippers’ legacy and who want a further insight into what started back in 1888 and was never solved.

Booktrail Boarding Pass:  The Ripper’s Hellbroth

Destination: Niagara Falls, London  Author/Guide: Michael L. Hawley  Departure Time: 1888, 2000s

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