Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Edinburgh, North Berwick, Hebrides (fictional Eilean Iasgaich)

The Sea Detective (Sea Detective 1)

The Sea Detective (Sea Detective 1)

Why a Booktrail?

2000s : A Scottish oceanographer could be the only person to find out what secrets the sea washes up.

  • ISBN: 978-1405923569
  • Genre: Crime

What you need to know before your trail

Cal McGill is an Edinburgh-based oceanographer, environmentalist and one-of-a-kind investigator. He is skilled in reading and understanding the seas, the currents, winds, and ways the sea can sweep in and shape the land. This unique skill can come in handy in many ways so when two severed feet wash up miles apart on two different islands off the coast of Scotland, he is called upon to help.  Especially when the feet turn out to be from the same body.

There is something very wrong going on here and the waves will show him that there is a dark undercurrent, a vortex, and a whirlpool of corruption and exploitation that threatens to engulf them all.

Travel Guide

A Sea Detective, an oceanographer has a unique set of skills. This is someone who can discover where objects have come from which are floating in the ocean. He looks at the currents of the ocean, the winds, the weather and the shipping forecasts. Ways the sea behaves can really tell him the secrets it holds beneath. The skill of oceanography is very real and realistically portrayed as being a science that few know of but in the highlands of Scotland, islands which reveal gruesome secrets could need his skills to reveal their past.

Another world comes into play on these remote islands as a woman called Basanti turns up asking for help to locate her friend Preeti. The world of slave trade and the Bedia tradition are another current to the already turbulent state of affairs. Mix in the rural and isolated rural fishing communities and this is a world where the elements rule and where three very different people and cultures are just as mixed as the ocean currents.

There is a lot of scientific discoveries to be made in this book such as the nature of the currents in and around the Atlantic Ocean – the Gulf Stream, the Canary current and the North Equatorial. The Labrador current circles the east coast of Canada and the North Atlantic Current flows upwards past the UK. A fascinating study of the oceans indeed.

The sea is biting, the wind cold and although often calm on the surface has a violent and dangerous undercurrent. The island environment is isolating uninviting and chillingly bitter and the Sea Detective is a mix of scientific discovery, criminal deeds and rural rugged Scotland is a major character throughout.

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:

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Facebook: markdouglashome

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