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1931 and 1961 : Revelations of secrets buried deep within a family’s history and the horrors of a small lakeside cottage.
1931 and 1961 : Revelations of secrets buried deep within a family’s history and the horrors of a small lakeside cottage.
Amy is nanny to the Laurent family and has spent many happy years living with them in Les Aubépines,France. But tragedy strikes the family and they are forced to retreat to Julia Laurent’t childhood home. Amy, having suffered family problems herself, has to rush from Sheffield to help them in their hour of need.
But Julia;‘s childhood home, Resevoir cottage in Blackwater, is not the home of happy memories for its walls hide secrets and its mirrors reflect the dark truth. And a voice from the past has something to say. But the lake at the centre of the community ripples quietly and haunts everyone around it.
Blackwater (luckily fictional but heavily based on Blagdon in Somerset according to the author), Blackdown Lake and the Mendip hills are evoked in ways you will never have seen them before. As characters in their own right.With eyes and ears of their own and with stories as twisty and turning as the winding roads up the hills.
Advice before going to Blackwater is to wrap up warm, be sure to look over your shoulder at all times and to not stay anywhere near Reservoir Cottage – for the walls have ears and the mirrors have eyes and you will never be quite alone….
The Reservoir cottage is one that is old and dilapidated and is in a village where people watch each other, twitching their curtains or staring at the lake. It is old, with doors that creak and seemingly open when once they were closed. Fires that crackle and burn out. Dark wooden walls with faded pictures and a family falling apart inside it. Stairs that creak and groan from under years of hidden secrets and an empty bedroom of a dead sister where no one dares go. The contrast with life in Paris is stark and from having friends to living in a tight knit community where no one speaks is hard to bear for Amy and the family.
The dark waters of the lake shimmer at night and reflects the dark underside of the community. Secrets of the past and those including Caroline, Julia’s sister who died when only 17, are bubbling to the surface. The lake is evoked with atmospheric and evocative scenes of swirling mist and dark water and eerie sounds carrying themselves over in the wind.
The cottage and the lake are characters in themselves. Each word moans and groans to highlight and paint a full picture – from the damp beds, to the open creaky doors, to the fading wallpaper and the chills…..this is a setting that will chill and thrill in equal measure.
I don’t mind admitting that I was a nervous wreck reading this book! But it was that good I just had to keep going but I do admit to not reading it at night after the first few chapters. Whether you’re a fan of the supernatural or not, this book has to be read for the sheer chills that go down your back as you see the lake and the house in your mind’s eye. I can still still Caroline’s bedroom door ajar now and hear the creaks on the stairs and….oh there are so many Arrgh moments that to mention them would spoil them but I have decided some of them are just too brilliant not to mention. It’s very hard to review this book without giving much away as the utter spine chilling joy is to discover it for yourself.
The characters were very well drawn and each one had their own reasons and motivations for ding what they did. Amy had a sad story and I admired her for wanting to serve the family when she had so many problems of her own. Her dealing with Viviane, her ‘charge’ and her talking to her imaginary friend that seems to know more than she should..is spine- chilling.
Twitter: @louisedouglas3
Web: louisedouglas.co.uk/
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