Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Worcestershire & everywhere cows live

The Secret Life of Cows

The Secret Life of Cows

Why a Booktrail?

Next time you see cows in a field, you’ll see them very differently!

  • ISBN: 978-0571336777
  • Genre: Nature/Landscape, Non-Fiction

What you need to know before your trail

Cows are as varied as people. They can be highly intelligent or slow to understand, vain, considerate, proud, shy or inventive.

Although much of a cow’s day is spent eating, they always find time for extra-curricular activities such as babysitting, playing hide and seek, blackberry-picking or fighting a tree.

This is an affectionate record of a hitherto secret world.

Travel Guide

Kite’s Nest Farm Worcestershire

Kite's Nest Farm (c) Google

Kite’s Nest Farm (c) Google

KIte’s Nest Farm knows animals. They live in family groups with freedom to roam and graze at will. “We believe that they are all individuals and treat them as such.”

Rosemary looks at the animals on the farm and sees how we should treat them as individuals. She asks what lives they lead, how they should be farmed, fed and treated as  individuals and her farm is the perfect place to do it.

They moved to the farm in 1980 and opened the farm retail shop not long afterwards.


Booktrail Boarding Pass:  The Secret Life of Cows

Destination : Worcestershire, anywhere cows live  Author/Guide: Rosamund Young

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