Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Iran, India

The Secret Message

The Secret Message

Why a Booktrail?

What does a parrot do if it really wants to escape?

  • ISBN: 978-1423110446
  • Genre: Childrens

What you need to know before your trail

One upon a time there was  a little parrot who lived in a large golden cage. Although the cage was golden, it was still a cage which made the parrot feel trapped and alone. All he could do was dream of the day he would fly once again and return to the jungles of his homeland.

But all he can do for now is to peek between the bars of the cage and dream..

This story is based on a poem by the ancient Persian philosopher Rumi

Travel Guide

A story to transport you to far off distant lands!

The parrot, alone in his cage, belongs to a merchant. He does talk to the merchant and those who come into the shop, but his heart lies in the jungle. When the man goes on a journey to India to get more things to sell, he asks the Parrot what he can bring him back. All the parrot wants is to get a message to his parrot friends to tell them how much he misses them

The merchant travels to India, meets the parrot’s friends and discovers just what the parrot he has at home must be missing…


Booktrail Boarding Pass Information: The Secret Message

Author/Guide: Mina Javaherbin   Destination: Iran, India  Departure Time: Right now

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