Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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  • Location: Manchester, Hereford, Birmingham

The Secrets of Happiness

The Secrets of Happiness

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Two sister, miles apart from one another in every sense of the word.But can they find their way back to one another?

  • ISBN: 978-1447299097
  • Genre: Fiction

What you need to know before your trail

Two sisters – stepsisters to be precise who are about as different as you could ever imagine.  Becca is the artistic one who has one job after another, lives in a flat in Birmingham with flatmates and thinks finding love is the trickiest thing on earth.

Rachel on the other hand lives in Hereford with her family and seems to have the perfect life. A glamourous career to boot, Becca is jealous and the feeling of animosity is the same both ways.

But then Rachel goes missing and the sisterly bond is put to the test in more ways than one

Travel Guide

Life no matter where you live can seem lonely if you don’t have family or the support to see you through. That seems to be the message here as Rachel and Becca are forced together in a family and Rachel still resents Becca and her mum Wendy turning up and joining their family

The difference between the sisters becomes larger as the two drift away and go very different directions in life. Rachel has the kids, the home and the husband whilst Becca has the lack of drive and not much else. However when Rachel goes missing and Becca steps up to her responsibilities and realises she has to look for her sister and in the meantime look after Rachel’s children; Mabel, Scarlet and Luke.

They are from Hereford but the book opens in Manchester as Rachel is spotted getting off a train. Someone in fear, on the run, confused and disorientated.

This is a journey into a family split down the middle and hoping to reunite again. Their trials and tribulations, the pain and confusion of someone going missing and the bond between step sisters. And the secrets of happiness? Not always found in the places you’d expect.

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:

Twitter: LDiamondAuthor

Facebook: /LucyDiamondAuthor

Web: lucydiamond.co.uk

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