Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: England, Greece

The Silence Factory

The Silence Factory

Why a Booktrail?

1829: The whole world disappears when you enter The Silence Factory

  • ISBN: 978-0008424046
  • Genre: Fiction, Gothic, Historical

What you need to know before your trail

Henry dreams of silence.

A world without the clattering of carriages through cobbled streets, the distant cries of drunken brawls, the relentless ticking of the clock.

Then he meets a fascinating, mysterious gentleman who sells just that. Precious silk that can drown out the clamour of the world – and everything Henry is so desperate to escape.

Summoned to Sir Edward’s secluded factory to try to cure his young daughter’s deafness, Henry is soon drawn deeper and deeper into the origins of this otherworldly gift: a gift that has travelled from ancient Mediterranean glades to English libraries.

Ignoring repeated warnings from the girl’s secretive governess, he allows himself to fall under the spell of Sir Edward and his silk… but when he learns its true cost, will it be too late to turn back?

Travel Guide

England and Greece

Both locations are vague and fictional – we have Telverton in Northen England where the cotton mills are, and Kratos, a fictional Greek island. Nevertheless, these islands are very vividly drawn. Cathermute House is also fictional but again very vivid and you spend time in this fantastical setting and it’s a wonderful place to be.

Beamish is on the map as this tells the story of the mills that worked in the North of England during times gone by and so it’s a good place to visit to imagine parts of this story. The manor houses and vestiges of Victorian times are visible in many places around the area (also on the map)

BookTrail Boarding Pass: The Silence Factory

Destination: England, Greece  Author/guide: Bridget Collins   Departure Time: 1829

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