Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Kent

The Silent Touch of Shadows

The Silent Touch of Shadows

Why a Booktrail?

1400s, 2000s: What will it take to put the past to rest?

  • ISBN: 978-1906931766
  • Genre: Historical

What you need to know before your trail

A haunting love story set partly in the present and partly in fifteenth century Kent

Professional genealogist Melissa Grantham receives an invitation to visit her family’s ancestral home, Ashleigh Manor. From the moment she arrives, she is haunted by life-like dreams and visions .

Jake Precy, owner of a nearby cottage, has disturbing dreams too, but it’s not until he meets Melissa that they begin to make sense.

He hires her to research his family’s history, unaware their lives are already entwined. Is the mutual attraction real or the result of ghostly interference?

Travel Guide

The fact that Melissa is  a genealogist and her involvement with the ghost of a medieval knight is so unique that we immediately wanted to be able to travel back in time like Melissa does and see what she does in a big old house in Kent that is haunted.

Even if you’re not a fan of ghost stories this is very unique as to get rid of the ghost she has to do a lot of research on the house. To have a time slip with the characters going back and forth and seeing visions of this kind is very fascinating and very creepy at the same time.

To get a chance to visit the house around 600 years ago is a great place to visit in literature. Not sure if we’ d be brave enough to go for real even if we could.

Booktrail boarding Pass Information: The Silent Touch of Shadows

Author/Guide:  Christina Courtenay   Destination: Kent  Departure Time: 1400s, 2000s

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