Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Edinburgh, Skye

The Storm

The Storm

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: From Edinburgh to Skye, this is not the escape plan Doug had in mind…

  • ISBN: 978-1908643872
  • Genre: Crime

What you need to know before your trail

Crime reporter Doug McGregor is used to being in the eye of the Storm but maybe not quite as central as now. His editor has been shot and as prime witness, he’s not supposed to be getting in involved. But he is involved and he’s determined to get to the truth and to find justice for his boss and friend.

He leaves with an old friend to take time out in Skye, but murder seems to be following him and death is not far behind.

Could these cases, in Edinburgh and Skye be linked and if so what does this mean for Doug?

Travel Guide


Urban Edinburgh or isolated Skye, this is Tartan Noir at its best. Working right at the heart of the newspaper industry to in Scotland’s capital city and then taking time out in quiet Skye – well it’s not the way the tourist board would sell it, but then that’s the beauty of visiting it with Neil Broadfoot as your guide.

Doug is a leading journalist and down trodden hack on a newspaper in the city whose world falls apart when his editor gets killed. The city shines:

Jonathan Grieg sat barricaded behind his desk, Arthur’s Seat frame behind like a watercolour in the floor to ceiling windows that made up the back wall of his office.

This is both a Scotland and a city which is navigating its way through the the post referendum, post-election world. things are changing and not all good for Doug and his colleagues

But just wait till you get to Skye, quiet, remote and……deadly.

Streetview Maps

C) Edinburgh - High Court
E) Skye - main people's first view at Portree

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:  The Storm

Author/ Guide: Neil Broadfoot  Destination: Edinburgh, Skye  Departure Time :2000s

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