Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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  • Location: Derby

The Unquiet Grave (DI Damen Brook 4)

The Unquiet Grave (DI Damen Brook 4)

Why a Booktrail?

2000s/1963: The Cold Case Unit of Derby Constabulary is a cold but fascinating place to be…

  • ISBN: 978-0755383726
  • Genre: Crime

What you need to know before your trail

DI Damen Brook is back from suspension and although he’s annoyed that his boss thinks this is the best place for him right now, he’s going to make the best of it.

It’s not long before he finds something of interest  – a pattern in a series of murder that dates back to 1963. When he digs deeper some worrying questions emerge such as how a killer could have hidden and kept undetected for so long?

This is something that really bothers him and then he spots something very worrying indeed. A significant date seems to be approaching…

Travel Guide

Damen Brooks is not your average  Detective Inspector and so when he gets put on the cold case department, then it’s an unusual journey that he going to go on, walking under a cloud of suspicion and regret as he goes. But sometimes secrets from the past turn are a thread which once you start pulling, unravels pretty fast.

The cold case crimes originate back to 1963 and 1973 which is where patterns start to emerge. Flash forward to 2011 and a man named Joshua Stapleton was found murdered. The murderer was supposedly found but a year later, Joshua’s best friend Scott is getting messages….from Joshua.

Each of the various periods are conveyed in evocative detail  – the rustic glamour of the 1960s, the uncertainty of the 1970s and the cold possibility that someone is posing as a dead man…

Emotional and physical connections that span decades of lies, deceit as well as friendship and trust. How can someone wait in the wings so long, so patiently for the ultimate revenge?

The breadth and depth of information sorting out a cold case over the decades is a hard and laborious task but ultimately fascinating – follow it carefully for the clues are there. And the race against time ratchets up the tension.

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information: The Unquiet Grave (Damen Brook 4)

Author/Guide: Steven Dunne  Destination: Derby, London  Departure Time: 2000s

Twitter: @reapersteven  Facebook: /steven.dunne  Web: sdunne2013.wordpress.com


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