Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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  • Location: Mexico, Nayarit, San Blas

The White Rock

The White Rock

Why a Booktrail?

1775, 1969, 2000:  A white rock off the coast of Mexico attracts many people over the years.

  • ISBN: 978-0241562765
  • Genre: Fiction

What you need to know before your trail

A British writer travels in 2020 with her husband and young daughter to give thanks for the birth of their child. She looks to the White Rock for answers, even as her faith in her marriage, and the future itself, is unravelling.

An American rock star in 1969 is in the final act of his self-destruction. On the run from the law, from his rabid fans and an America burning with the fever of the Vietnam War, he washes up at the edge of Mexico, hoping to lose, or maybe find himself.

A Yoeme girl is torn from her homeland at the turn of the twentieth century and taken by force to the coast. As her future is recast in the name of progress and power, she turns to the stories of her people, to resist, and to survive.

And in 1775 a young Spanish naval officer, preparing to set sail from the White Rock to continue the conquest of the Pacific coast, appears to lose his grip on reality, with far-reaching and fatal consequences . . .

Each finding themselves at the end of the story they have lived by, their tales echo, breathtakingly, through time. As the White Rock bears witness to the truth that we are not the first to face days of reckoning, is there still a chance we might not be the last?

Travel Guide

The importance of White Rock

In front of the San Blas dock in Nayarit, Mexico,  There is a rock formation called White Rock  –  Piedra Blanca or Haramara named as it is a  sacred site for the Huichols. According to the Wixarika peoples, it was the first solid object born on earth, when it was still very young and there was nothing but boiling water in the world. It is said that this rock is the origin of life itself and that the Goddess Haramara lives here.

Haramara represents the physical form of one of the most important deities of the Huichol culture,. Therefore, there are many pilgrimages every year to worship the stone and to leave offerings.

BookTrail Boarding Pass: The White Rock

Destination/Location: Mexico, Nayarit, San Blas  Author: Anna Hope  Departure: 1775, 1969, 2020

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