Why a Booktrail?
2000s: A woman’s body is found. She has recently give birth. But there’s no baby in sight.
2000s: A woman’s body is found. She has recently give birth. But there’s no baby in sight.
It is spring, and the semi-preserved body of a young Jewish woman is discovered buried in the Maine woods. It is clear that she gave birth shortly before her death.
But there is no sign of a baby.
Private detective Charlie Parker is engaged by lawyer Moxie Castin to shadow the police investigation but Parker’s not the only one looking for the child. Someone else is following the trail left by the woman, someone with an interest in more than a missing child…
And in a house by the woods, a toy telephone begins to ring.
For a young boy is about to receive a call from a dead woman . .
The city of Portland is home to Parker and is where the story is focused. The book opens on the waterfront which is a changing part of the city with its coo bars and new places to eat. Turns out Parker wants to put a pause on this kind of progress or at least keep the windows in a place if they must change everything else.
It’s a bustling city, and is where Parker meets Mosie. There’s a cool addition of a gift shop which actually exists! It has the rather nice name of Pinecone and Chickadee
Cadillac Indiana was about as far from interesting as a place could get without fading entirely to gray. It had the basic infrastructure required for a minimal level of human satisfaction – school, bars, restaurants, gas stations, two strip malls, a couple of factories – without anything approaching a heart or soul. to it was less a town that in some revenant version of the same, restored from seemingly inevitable decay to a simulacrum of life.
Parker had caught up on the discovery of the remains of a woman in Piscataquis County.
Maine wasn’t immune from violent crime,and victims showed up from time to time.
No tree fell unheard in a Maine Forest, not with him around”
The house where the woman in the woods lives is located in the North Woods.
Susan: @thebooktrailer
Well there’s a walk into the woods I’ll never forget!
John’s writing is short sharp and you can imagine he flicks his pen off to the side when he writes some of these sentences – such is the effect they have on the reader like me. I gasped, cheered and high fived ( as the grave of the women is revealed in very short chapters) before settling in again for the next chapter.
Some darn fine plot and twists here. From the hunter to the hunted and the house in the woods, there’s so many stories running parallel to the main mystery but that’s not a problem with JC in the writing corner.The characters come to the page fully formed yet are still developed nicely through the book. Some rough and ready characters. Parker is one of my favourite guys in crime fiction but the guys who live in Cadillac Indiana and beside the Maine Woods – well not a cast of more varied souls could you hope to meet. Gritty and believable.
What I really found interesting was the locations – the rural American settings, the towns by the roadside, the desert like dustbowl. The Jewish angle was an added layer of intrigue and that house in the woods? Oh my…It’s all there.
Sit back and enjoy when it’s out in April. JC rocks!
Destination: Portland, Maine Author/Guide: John Connolly Departure Time: 2000s
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