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  • Location: Edinburgh

This is Edinburgh

This is Edinburgh

Why a Booktrail?

1960s: Take a trip down memory lane to the Edinburgh  of the 1960s…

  • ISBN: 978-0789313874
  • Genre: Childrens

What you need to know before your trail

What do you think of when you think of Edinburgh? Bagpipe music on Princess Street? The haggis, the Scott Monument or maybe Edinburgh Castle? The city has changed considerably since this book was published in 1961 but the charm of it as with the city, still remains.

There’s a lot that hasn’t changed of course, the city stepped in history and overlooked by the imposing castle. That’s the joy of taking a tour with one foot in the present and the other in the past.

What does Edinburgh mean to you? The castle of course is the one imposing site which sits and looks out across the whole city. Some of the places in the book are not there now or at least not in the way they were then, but then that is the fun of such a book – seeing what has and hasn’t changed.

So much more than a travel guide, this is like having a friendly Scotsman whispering facts and jokes about the city he loves in your ear but not so much that it distracts you from seeing the city – no it enhances it even more.

Travel Guide

This romantic city of many hills, is awash with history and of course tartan. Even the book’s inner pages are tartan to give a flavour before you’ve opened the first page.
The creator of literary favourite Sherlock Holmes is mentioned at the very start which is a nice homage to one of the city’s most iconic residents.

So what’s changed? Certainly not the wind that takes you up Waverley Steps even if the escalators now try to take you there at a steady pace. There have been people flying up these stairs for years it would seem.

The city is still as charming, gothic in tone and fascinating to wander around. Sasek is the perfect guide to show you in both words and stunning illustrations the essence of the city. And when John Menzies ruled the world! Aaah a nostalgic trip in more ways than one.

There is  a note in the back of the book explaining just what has and hasn’t changed which really gives you a chance to see how the city is different now yet often the same in many ways.

Booktrailer Review


Love Edinburgh and this is one of my favourite books on the city as it’s so apt and timeless. An Edinburgh I remember well and an insightful look into the city and its habits. It really makes you think of just how varied and creative Edinburgh is and what you can find if you look hard enough. Now of course it’s also known for being the home of JK Rowling of Harry Potter fame and for being the place where she wrote the novels. But Edinburgh’s charm has remained in so many ways. Enjoy your nostalgic return!

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